But is Charlie Sheen's perversely readable Twitter page too good to be true?
Rumor has it that the possibly unhinged actor hired a "tweet master" to keep the 140-characters-or-less torpedoes of truth coming at a steady pace. Of course, Sheen wouldn't be the first celebrity to enlist a helper in that capacity (we highly doubt Obama's tweets are all his own). But that would certainly take the sheen off the awesomeness that is the "unemployed winner's" Twitter account.
Hang onto your handles, folks, because this rumor is...
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So false!
"I am simply a friend who introduced him to a company who helped him set up a Twitter account," Sheen's close friend Robert Maron—aka rumored tweet master Bob—exclusively tells E! News. "I am not his manager, tweet master or adviser of any kind. It would be unfair for me to take credit for any of this or any other of his other significant accomplishments."
(Don't worry, Bob, Sheen takes credit for all of his accomplishments, significant or otherwise.)
Maron, who owns a watch company, tells us that he and Sheen share a love of expensive and exclusive timepieces and have been friends for years.
"I have no interest in sensationalizing myself in the Charlie Sheen story—of which I am an insignificant part," he adds.
Maron can be seen chatting with his friend in one of the Sheen's Corner videos the actor has been recording from his home.
Most recently, Sheen sort of woke up from his Sheen-induced haze and tweeted his support for earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan (though surely Sheen, of all people, knows it's money that does the talking):
"Curveball; Warlock edict; pain & devastation in Japan demands us all to dig deep & LOVE THEM VIOLENTLY Dogspeed my cadres of the Far East! c"
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